
7/2 Please check the About & FAQ page for updates. Lots of questions answered there. We are looking forward to a fantastic event.

7/2-AV info  All rooms will have audio capability. Some rooms have built-in video capability. If you requested audio and/or video, you’ve been put into a room that will be set up as requested.

  • Each room will have detailed instructions on how to connect to and use the provided equipment. During class changes, there will be roving A/V staff to help – for urgent needs, contact the A/V desk and we will send someone to you as soon as possible.
  • Feel free to bring your own audio playback devices (Bluetooth speaker/boombox/laptop) if you would feel more comfortable using them. Please stop by the A/V desk with your class info to let us know you are using your own equipment, so we can keep track of where we are needed most.
  • If you have requested and been paired with live musicians for your class, please also stop by the A/V desk with your class info to let us know.
  • If you have further questions, please email Dai Gerdwr at or come to the A/V desk when you arrive at site.

6/29-Are you new to Central Indiana? During the event, watch for people with 'I'M A LOCAL' on their badge, we're excited to welcome you and can help navigate the nearby area. Planning to extend your trip to visit the award-winning Children's Museum or the Indianapolis Motor Speedway? Check out some of our local attractions here 

6/28- Keep your luggage light: no need to bring feast gear! We will provide plates and flatware for the meals. Just make sure to bring a mug, goblet, or cup for water, coffee, tea, lemonade, and other drinks.

6/27- From noon to 8pm, you can check in at registration before getting settled in your hotel room, getting your tent set up, or head to the far north end of the site to watch the fireworks. Check out more information here

6/25- You know about the classes, you know about the dance balls, but did you know that we'll have merchants at the Known World Dance and Music Symposium on July 4 - 7? The merchant page has a list of current merchants. We still have room for a few more merchants. If you are interested in being one of them, contact Viggy at

6/12 - We are excited to announce that we have 99 (!!!) sessions for this year's Known World Dance and Music Symposium! Check out the schedule here

6/12 - New Hotel Block Open now at the Comfort Inn

6/6 - New Hotel Block Opening SOON at Comfort Inn - Link Will be posted as soon as available  - We filled the last block. 

5/21/2024 - The Symposium thanks our partners at the (@) Hendricks County Visitir's Bureau for this great local guide!

5/19/2024 - The Deadline for discounted hotel rooms is June 4th. Please book your hotel rooms soon! See the Lodging page for info.

3/31/2024 - Teachers, if you have already submitted a class for KWDMS please check your email. I have sent you a message with some updates.
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, we still have room for more classes.  Please use this link to submit your class:

2/3/2024 - Hotel Block and Camping Options Now Updated - See Lodging Page

12/17/2023 The bid has now been approved at the society level! 
"Joyous Greetings unto Meadhbh Ramsay & Colette the Seamstress!
It is our pleasure to inform you that your excellent proposal for the Known World Dance and Music Symposium is accepted. (...) Thank you, and I look forward to seeing people enjoy the event!
Yours, in Service & Art,
Sarah M. Noble McGee, PhD
Magnifica Hildegard Bergerin, OL Society Minister of Arts & Sciences"

11/7/2023: The bid has now been approved at the kingdom level. Staff are very hopeful that the bid will be approved at the society level. Approval at society level is the last step before the event is official.